Mohammad Mahdi (Amir) Mirrashid
I like applied probability and statistics.

I’m Mohammad Mahdi (I go by the name Amir), a student at the EE department of the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran. I spend most of my time doing research, especially on taking a mathematical approach to problems in machine learning.
I’ve recently had the great opportunity to start working and collaborating on multiple research projects I’m passionate about.
Here’s a short resume of mine. See the repositories and teaching pages for detailed information on what I do.
My broad research interests are applied probability, trustowrthy machine learning (differential privacy, out-of-distribution detection and generalization, etc.), and the theory of deep learning (optmization behaviours, understanding deep representations, etc.).
When not working, I take hours-long walks outside, talk about life with friends, listen to extreme metal (Vildjharta is a favorite), listen to classical music (usually Rachmaninoff), and sometimes play the piano (and fail at it).